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Getting Started


Before generating OAuth tokens using the user interface or API, ensure you have the necessary permissions and understand the process for obtaining and refreshing tokens.

Permissions Required

To generate tokens using the UI or API, specific permissions are required based on the roles assigned. Ensure the appropriate permissions are granted to access the token generation functionalities.

Permissions Required for Generating WebService Token

Your SAV roles must have specific permissions to access the Webservice Token page, as described in the following table.

ActionOOTB SAV RoleFeature Access
Generate OAuth tokens from the Webservice Token page.ROLE_ADMINFor more information, see ROLE_ADMIN.If you are using a custom SAV role, the role must have the Admin: Webservice Authentation Setting feature access assigned to it.For more information, see Creating and Managing Custom SAV Roles.

Generating Token Using User Interface

To generate OAuth tokens through the user interface, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Saviynt Enterprise Identity Cloud (EIC).
  2. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Webservice Auth Configuration or search for Webservice Auth Configuration and select it.
  3. Click on Generate Token to create the access token.
  4. Record the access token by clicking on Copy for future authentication purposes.

The access token remains valid for up to 3600 seconds (60 minutes) and can be used to make API requests within the designated environment.

Generating OAuth Access Token Using API

To obtain an OAuth access token via the API, follow these steps:

  1. Make a POST request to
  2. Include username and password as JSON data in the request body.
  3. Upon successful authentication, the response will contain a Token that should be used as a Bearer token in the Authorization header for subsequent API calls.

Refreshing an Authorization Token

To refresh an authorization token, follow these steps:

  1. Make a POST request to
  2. The refresh token expiration can be configured based on in Config.groovy.
  3. Setting to true will generate a new refresh token for each request.
  4. If left blank or null, the oauth/access_token request will return the same refresh token provided.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage OAuth tokens for authentication and authorization purposes in Saviynt Enterprise Identity Cloud.