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Welcome to the REST API Changelog. This document is a comprehensive log of all changes made to the API, including new features, fixes, deprecations, and removals. This changelog is intended to help developers and users of the API understand how it's evolving over time.


  • Added
  • Changed
  • Deprecated
  • Removed
  • Fixed
  • Security

[Version 1.x.x] - 2024-xx-xx


  • Endpoints
    • POST /new-endpoint: Description of what this endpoint does and how it benefits the user.
  • Parameters
    • Added newParameter to GET /some-endpoint to allow for additional filtering.


  • Endpoints
    • GET /existing-endpoint: Updated the response format for clarity and consistency across the API.
  • Parameters
    • Modified the type of existingParameter from string to integer in POST /some-endpoint to improve performance.


  • Endpoints
    • GET /old-endpoint: This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0.0. Use GET /new-endpoint instead.
  • Parameters
    • Deprecated oldParameter in favor of newParameter in GET /some-endpoint.


  • Endpoints
    • Removed DELETE /unnecessary-endpoint due to low usage and redundancy.
  • Parameters
    • Removed unusedParameter from GET /some-endpoint to simplify the request.


  • Fixed a race condition in POST /specific-endpoint that could cause data inconsistency.
  • Addressed a memory leak issue in GET /resource-intensive-endpoint that affected server performance.


  • Patched an SQL injection vulnerability in GET /vulnerable-endpoint.
  • Enhanced encryption for data transmitted to and from POST /secure-endpoint to comply with latest security standards.

[Version 1.0.0] - 2023-01-01

Initial release of the REST API, featuring:

  • Authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Endpoints for managing resources such as GET /resources, POST /resources, and DELETE /resources.
  • Comprehensive error handling and validation to ensure API reliability and usability.