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APIs for managing Analytics

📄️ Fetch List of Analytics ES

This method fetches a list of Analytic Controls in Elastic and support the usage of GET and POST methods. It is recommended to use the POST method. Optional params: `searchcriteria`: analytics params to search. Example: {'analyticsid': '9','risk': 'Medium','category': 'Usage','status': 'Active','analyticsname':'testESQuery','owner':'awsadmin','usergroup':'MTSTrade_Approver_BusinessOwner','tags':'Tagname','description':'desc','recommendations':'comm'}, `max`, `offset` `loggedinuser` _**Note**_: Security is based on owner, delegate, ROLE_ADMIN, SAV_ROLE's analytics ES category. The `Authorization` must have `Bearer` followed by `Token`.

📄️ Fetch Control Details ES

This API performs the action specified under the `Default_Action_For_Analytics` parameter and retrieves records starting from the offset. This API can return the response even if the `offset` parameter is set beyond 1000. Now, the response of this API displays an additional offset attribute. Starting with Release v24.1, the behavior of this API has been modified as follows: - **For newly created analytics controls:** You can swiftly execute and retrieve the history of newly created analytics controls.