APIs for managing user access, including adding and removing access on existing accounts.
📄️ Get Access Details For User
This API call can be used to get the user details, account details, and details of all the entitlements the user has access to.
📄️ Get Flat Response Entitlement Details For User
This API call can be used to get a flat response consisting of user details, account details, and details of all the entitlements the user has access to.
📄️ Assign Entitlement to Account
This method provisions one or more 'Entitlements' to an 'Account'. The 'Entitlements' and 'Account' correspond to a particular IT Application (e.g Microsoft Active Directory) which is modeled in SSM as 'Endpoint' of a 'Security System'.
📄️ Remove Entitlement from Account
This method deprovisions one or more 'Entitlements' from an 'Account'. The 'Entitlements' and 'Account' correspond to a particular IT Application (e.g Microsoft Active Directory) which is modeled in SSM as 'Endpoint' of a 'Security System'.