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Get Access Details For User



This API call can be used to get the user details, account details, and details of all the entitlements the user has access to.

This API will return only the entitlement attributes which are not null or not empty.

The Authorization must have Bearer followed by Token.

Mandatory params: username

Optional params: endpoint, max, offset, entitlementtype

Note - This API supports GET HTTP method along with POST.



    endpoint string
    username string


Get Access Details For User

Response Headers

  • Date


  • Server


  • Set-Cookie





  • Array [

  • createdon string
    customproperty1 string
    customproperty10 string
    customproperty2 string
    customproperty20 string
    customproperty30 string
    description string
    endpoint string
    name string
    status string
  • ]

  • Entitlementdetails


  • Array [

  • access string
    confidentiality string
    customproperty1 string
    customproperty20 string
    customproperty3 string
    customproperty8 string
    description string
    displayname string
    endpoint string




  • Array [

  • string

  • ]

  • entitlementType string
    entitlement_glossary string
    entitlement_value string
    module string
    priviliged string
    requestForm string
    risk string
    soxcritical string
    status string
    syscritical string
    updatedate string
    updateuser string
  • ]

  • PrivilegeDetails undefined[]



    Company Name string
    Create Date string
    customproperty1 string
    Department Name string
    Job Function string
    Last Name string
    Orgunit ID string
    User Name string
    accountExpired string
    accountLocked string
    city string
    comments string
    country string
    createdBy string
    customproperty10 string
    customproperty11 string
    customproperty12 string
    customproperty13 string
    customproperty14 string
    customproperty15 string
    customproperty16 string
    customproperty17 string
    customproperty18 string
    customproperty19 string
    customproperty2 string
    customproperty20 string
    customproperty21 string
    customproperty22 string
    customproperty23 string
    customproperty24 string
    customproperty25 string
    customproperty26 string
    customproperty27 string
    customproperty28 string
    customproperty29 string
    customproperty3 string
    customproperty30 string
    customproperty31 string
    customproperty32 string
    customproperty33 string
    customproperty34 string
    customproperty35 string
    customproperty36 string
    customproperty37 string
    customproperty38 string
    customproperty39 string
    customproperty4 string
    customproperty40 string
    customproperty5 string
    customproperty6 string
    customproperty7 string
    customproperty8 string
    customproperty9 string
    departmentNumber string
    displayname string
    doNotDisturbDelegate string
    email string
    employeeType string
    employeeclass string
    employeeid string
    enabled string
    encryptedSecurityAnswers string
    enddate string
    failedTries string
    firstname string
    jobCode string
    jobcodedesc string
    lastsyncdate string
    location string
    locationdesc string
    locationnumber string
    manager string
    middlename string
    owner string
    owneronTerminate string
    passwordExpired string
    preferedFirstName string
    secondaryManager string
    startdate string
    statuskey string
    street string
    systemUserName string
    termDate string
    title string
    updatedate string
    updateuser string
    vendorManager string
    entitlementsCount number
    errorCode string
    msg string
    totalEntitlementCount number