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Get FireFighter Role Details



This method returns a List of active "FireFighter" roles in SSM. The Authorization must have Bearer followed by Token. No params


Get FireFighter Roles

Response Headers

  • Date


  • Server


  • Set-Cookie



  • Array [

  • class string
    confidentiality stringnull
    customproperty1 stringnull
    customproperty10 stringnull
    customproperty11 stringnull
    customproperty12 stringnull
    customproperty13 stringnull
    customproperty14 stringnull
    customproperty15 stringnull
    customproperty16 stringnull
    customproperty17 stringnull
    customproperty18 stringnull
    customproperty19 stringnull
    customproperty2 stringnull
    customproperty20 stringnull
    customproperty21 stringnull
    customproperty22 stringnull
    customproperty23 stringnull
    customproperty24 stringnull
    customproperty25 stringnull
    customproperty26 stringnull
    customproperty27 stringnull
    customproperty28 stringnull
    customproperty29 stringnull
    customproperty3 stringnull
    customproperty30 stringnull
    customproperty31 stringnull
    customproperty32 stringnull
    customproperty33 stringnull
    customproperty34 stringnull
    customproperty35 stringnull
    customproperty36 stringnull
    customproperty37 stringnull
    customproperty38 stringnull
    customproperty39 stringnull
    customproperty4 stringnull
    customproperty40 stringnull
    customproperty41 stringnull
    customproperty42 stringnull
    customproperty43 stringnull
    customproperty44 stringnull
    customproperty45 stringnull
    customproperty46 stringnull
    customproperty47 stringnull
    customproperty48 stringnull
    customproperty49 stringnull
    customproperty5 stringnull
    customproperty50 stringnull
    customproperty51 stringnull
    customproperty52 stringnull
    customproperty53 stringnull
    customproperty54 stringnull
    customproperty55 stringnull
    customproperty56 stringnull
    customproperty57 stringnull
    customproperty58 stringnull
    customproperty59 stringnull
    customproperty6 stringnull
    customproperty60 stringnull
    customproperty7 stringnull
    customproperty8 stringnull
    customproperty9 stringnull
    defaultTimeFrameHrs numbernull
    description stringnull
    displayname stringnull
    endpointkey numbernull
    flagexportedtoOIA boolean
    glossary stringnull
    id number
    level stringnull
    maxTimeFrameHrs stringnull
    mininginstance stringnull
    parentroles stringnull
    priviliged numbernull
    requestable boolean
    risk stringnull
    role_name string



  • Array [

  • class string
    id number
  • ]

  • roletype number
    showDynamicAttrs booleannull
    sodflag boolean
    soxcritical number
    status number
    syscritical number
    systemid numbernull
    updatedate string
    updateuser numbernull
  • ]
