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Update User



This method updates a specific "user" record in SSM, based on the input parameter username of the relevant user.

All the input parameters it requires are attributes which could be updated for the relevant user record. The attributes which are supplied with valid values as input to the method, will get updated, if the operation is successfully executed.

The Authorization must have Bearer followed by Token.

Mandatory params:




Note - If both params are passed, propertytosearch will take precedence.

Optional params:

validateagainstpolicy - Values: Y/N, default is Y. Checks for the password policy,

allowpastdate - true / false (default). If true, allows startdate to be less than current date,

statuskey - Values:1/0, 0 - Inactive, 1 - Active,

updatedusername - update username,

User params like firstname, preferedFirstName, lastname, middlename, street, city, comments, statuskey, startdate(MM-dd-yyyy), enddate(MM-dd-yyyy), manager (manager username), password, location, jobCode, jobDescription, employeeType, systemUserName, departmentNumber, title, state, companyname, costcenter, departmentname, employeeclass, entity, jobcodedesc, locationdesc, locationnumber, siteid, orgunitid, region, regioncode, owner, employeeid, lastsyncdate, createdate, email, phonenumber, job_function, country, displayname, enabled(can be "1"/"true" or "0"/"false"), passwordExpired(can be "1"/"true" or "0"/"false"), accountExpired(can be "1"/"true" or "0"/"false"), accountLocked(can be "1"/"true" or "0"/"false"), secondaryManager, createdBy, termDate, vendorManager, secondaryPhone, secondaryEmail, customproperty<1-50>, hcp<1-5>, ecp<1-5>, customer(pass the organization name),

securityQuestions -

Example: "securityQuestions":[ { "securityQuestion":"What is your first Pet's name?", "securityAnswer":"kitty" }, { "securityQuestion":"What is your favorite food?", "securityAnswer":"food" } ],

checkrules - true/ false (default : true), if true, then rules will be evaluated immediately, if false rules will be evaluated by a job. If checkrulesforapi configuration(true/false/null) is set in the configuration table, then it will take precendence over checkrules parameter.

inlineruleevaluation - true/ false (default is true), if true then rules will be evaluated immediately, if false rules will be evaluated by a job.

Note - UpdateUser API will not invoke workflow based on the User Modification Workflow configuration. Please use updateUserRequest API instead.

Note - Both checkrules and inlineruleevaluation need to be set as true for the user update rules to be evaluated immediately.

batchidentifier - When inlineruleevaluation=false, this Rule Run Unique Identifier can be set and user update rules can be processed later by calling /api/processrules API

Note - This API supports PUT HTTP method along with POST.

It's highly recommended to pass inlineruleevaluation:"false" for bulk load and call processrules api to evaluate and run the rules after the load is done.



    customproperty1 string
    email string
    employeeType string
    firstname string
    jobcodedesc string
    lastname string
    manager string
    middlename string
    preferedFirstName string
    propertytosearch string
    statuskey string


Update User / Update User - Inactive Manager / Update User - propertytosearch param

Response Headers

  • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials


  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin


  • Cache-Control


  • Date


  • Expires


  • Referrer-Policy


  • Server


  • Set-Cookie


  • Strict-Transport-Security


  • X-Content-Type-Options


  • X-Frame-Options



    errorCode string
    message string